Hans Roels is a Belgian photographer renowned for his extensive portfolio of over 300 group portraits, capturing the essence of various entities, including businesses, organizations, hospitals, and schools.

Regardless of whether there are seven or a thousand and seven individuals in the frame, Hans always strives to convey a sense of personal connection for each person involved. Through a meticulously planned organisational schedule, he prepares the entire group as a collective for that pivotal moment. This ensures that everyone is poised, enthusiastic, and ultimately, radiating with energy.

From a technical standpoint, Hans has developed his distinctive method, transforming each group portrait into a vibrant tableau vivant. His work breathes with human presence, pride, and a deep appreciation for the moment.

Hans has a special focus on cultures from diverse origins and eagerly seeks collaboration to bring his photo projects to life. Through collaboration, he not only explores cultural differences but also underscores the common threads that bind us all, fostering mutual understanding. His field experiences have nurtured a profound passion and appreciation for cultural identities.

Beyond his exhibitions in various galleries, Hans has authored several photo books. He also shares his expertise by teaching photography, conducting workshops, and delivering lectures based on his experiences from collaborative photo projects.


For projects, ideas, collaborations, or any other inquiries,
please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.



+32 496 25 37 73


De Hinnisdaellaan 2
1150 Brussels.